Below is 6 Player on Field (no outfielders) for U9 OUtfield for U11 - Chestermere/Strathmore House League
Pitching Distance - 30 Feet (U9). 35 Feet (U11)
Base Lines - 45 Feet
Home Run Line (U9 Only) (use either pylons or pin flags) - 25 Feet behind the bases
Ball Used - 11" Indoor Soft" (U9)/11" Standard Ball (U11)
Game Length - No new innings after 1hr 15min
1.1 The Field - U9 Only The field distance will be twenty-five (25) feet behind each base. Pylons to be placed at the Twenty-five (25) foot mark in the field, this will be the “Home Run Line”
1.2 Players - U9 Only Maximum number of players allowed on the playing field is six (6). The positions available to play are Pitcher, Catcher, 1st base, 2nd Base, 3rd Base and Short Stop.
1.3 Players U11 Maximum number of players is 9 on the field, all positions played, can start game with no less than 6.
1.4 Equipment All players in an infield position must wear an approved facemask. Catchers must wear full equipment including mask (umpire style with hard cap or goalie style) chest protector and shin pads.
1.5 Rosters - Team rosters must have at least seven (7) players. U9 Teams will operate with only 6 players on the field instead of 9. Teams can be made up with 7-9 players.
1.6 Coaches - No coaches are permitted in the playing field except those designated as base umpires up to a maximum of two (2).
Exception - U9 one (1) coach will be allowed on the field to help position players.
1.7 Home Run Line U9 Only - The "Home Run Line" (HRL) will be used. The HRL eliminates the need for players in the outfield. A home run is a ball that touches the ground past the home run line. A fly ball caught past the home run line is an out.
1.8 Umpires - Plate umpires will be stationed behind the pitcher outside the circle or approximately 8 feet behind or behind the catcher. Base umpires will be positioned as normal at 1B, between 1B and 2B when 1B is occupied and between 2B and 3B when 2B and/or 3B are occupied. Base umpires will determine if a ground ball lands past the homerun line.
1.9 Game Play - Innings are complete upon achieving 3 outs or maximum runs scored. Maximum runs scored allowable in an inning will be 4.
2.0 Stealing - U9 only 2B and 3B, no stealing home. U11 Stealing is allowed on all bases.
Exception - No stealing is allowed when the coach/designated pitcher comes in to deliver the pitches remaining under the no walk rule.
1. When 4 balls are issued to a batter by the pitcher, a designated pitcher (coach. Parent, etc..) will then enter the field in order to deliver how many remaining strikes are left (see example below).
2. U9 Pitch limit per batter is 5 pitches. U11 pitches until 4 balls are issued.
3. Each pitch delivered by the designated pitcher, regardless of where they are thrown are strikes.
4. The designated pitcher must deliver the ball underhand (toss, modified or windmill)
5. Players cannot steal bases if the coach/adult is pitching.
6. The defensive pitcher will remain on the field, to field balls put in play.
7. Any struck ball that comes in contact with the designated pitcher directly from the bat before being touched by a defensive player whether in the air or off the ground will be called a foul ball.
NO MORE WALKS! - Coach or parent pitch after ball 4 to batter
No walks - every run will come off a hit ball. More hits mean more defensive plays for the infield. Wider variety of pitchers may be used since players who want to pitch can try without having to worry about walking in 4 runs. Lower scoring games. There will an increased number of strikeouts and defensive outs, which should result in less 4 run innings. Innings will be quicker which should result in more innings played per game.
Batter # 1 (B1) is at the plate. After the 4th ball, the batter will have a count against him/her. It will either be 4 balls, 0 strikes (4-0), 4-1 or 4-2. The coach, or designated pitcher for the offensive team (B1’s coach or selected parent), will pitch to his/her own batter. The number of pitches that the batter will receive from the coach/parent is dependent upon the number of strikes that the pitcher had achieved against that batter prior to throwing the 4th "ball". All batters continue using the same rules.
Count 4-0, coach parent may throw up to 3 pitches.
Count 4-1, coach parent may throw up to 2 pitches.
Count 4-2, coach parent may throw only 1 pitch.
If the batter uses up all of his/her strikes without hitting the ball, he/she is out. There is no opportunity to walk. Every pitch is considered a called strike no matter where the pitch is thrown. The batter does not have to swing to strike out, nor does the pitch have to be in the strike zone.
Pitches (pitch) from the coach or parent are the only opportunity that the batter will get to hit the ball and get on base. The coach/parent will pitch from the pitching rubber (normal distance) and may pitch an underhand toss or windmill pitch.
On the third strike only, if the batter hits a foul ball, he/she will be granted an additional pitch, unless the foul ball is caught! This will be the same as regular rules regarding a third strike foul ball.
The defensive pitcher will remain on the field-to-field balls hit into play.
If a ball hit into play by the batter that comes in contact with or is touched by the parent/coach, whether intentional or accidental & is interfered with by the coach/parent acting as the pitcher-
- the play will be called dead & treated like a foul ball